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Legend (Subdivision)

Subdivision (0)
AK Florida AK Florida
AW Mills AW Mills
Abbotts Abbotts
Adams Court Condos Adams Court Condos
Adele Place Adele Place
Ahlbrandt Ahlbrandt
Alamo Place Alamo Place
Alfred Woods Alfred Woods
Ambassador Heights Ambassador Heights
Andel Acres Andel Acres
Angenette Place Angenette Place
Apple Valley Apple Valley
Ashwood Ashwood
Avery Court Avery Court
Avery Place Avery Place
Avondale Avondale
BF Edwards BF Edwards
Bach Bach
Ballas Ridge Estates Ballas Ridge Estates
Bambury Way Bambury Way
Barrett Bend Barrett Bend
Barrett Brae Barrett Brae
Barrington Square Barrington Square
Barsan Hills Barsan Hills
Bayer Bayer
Beaumont Beaumont
Becker Place Becker Place
Bedford Oaks Bedford Oaks
Beekman Place Beekman Place
Bell Bell
Bennett Hill Bennett Hill
Berg Berg
Berkshire Place Berkshire Place
Bernard Kraus Estates Bernard Kraus Estates
Beshore Valley Beshore Valley
Bethesda Gardens Bethesda Gardens
Big Bend Court Big Bend Court
Birklas Birklas
Bloomfield Bloomfield
Boaz Woods Boaz Woods
Bodley Condos Bodley Condos
Bodley Manor Condos Bodley Manor Condos
Boehm Boehm
Bopp Bopp
Bopp Woods Bopp Woods
Bothman Bothman
Boxwood Lane Boxwood Lane
Bradford Square Bradford Square
Brents Brents
Briar Creek Estates Briar Creek Estates
Briar Creek Forest Briar Creek Forest
Briar Green Briar Green
Briar Hill Farm Briar Hill Farm
Brooksgate Manor Brooksgate Manor
Bryan Meadow Addition Bryan Meadow Addition
Bryan Meadows Bryan Meadows
Buena Vista Heights Buena Vista Heights
Burns Place Burns Place
Candleberry Candleberry
Carmel Carmel
Caro Park Caro Park
Carrington Woods Carrington Woods
Cavanaugh Acres Cavanaugh Acres
Central Place Central Place
Charles Robinson Charles Robinson
Cherokee Cherokee
Chesapeake Run Chesapeake Run
Chesnut Run Condos Chesnut Run Condos
Chester Heights Chester Heights
Chippendale Court Chippendale Court
Churchill Lane Churchill Lane
Clay Oaks Clay Oaks
Claywest Claywest
Claywood Manor Claywood Manor
Clinton Place Condos Clinton Place Condos
Collier Collier
Collier Estate Collier Estate
Collier Estates Collier Estates
Colony Woods Colony Woods
Compton Compton
Connor Tract Connor Tract
Corona Park Corona Park
Couch Lane Couch Lane
Coulter Forest Coulter Forest
Country Club Terrace Country Club Terrace
Couture Place Couture Place
Craig Crossing Estates Craig Crossing Estates
Craig Forest Craig Forest
Craig Heights Craig Heights
Craig Knoll Craig Knoll
Craig Place Craig Place
Craig Woods Craig Woods
Craigwold Craigwold
Craigwold Manor Craigwold Manor
Cranbrook Cranbrook
Curtis Curtis
Darlene Darlene
Deepwood Park Deepwood Park
Denise Park Denise Park
Denny Place Denny Place
Dewberry Court Dewberry Court
Dickson Acres Dickson Acres
Dickson Dell Dickson Dell
Dickson Park Dickson Park
Dickson Plaza Dickson Plaza
Dickson Terrace Dickson Terrace
Dodsons First Dodsons First
Doerr Place Doerr Place
Doerwood Manor Doerwood Manor
Doorack Heights Doorack Heights
Dougherty Place Dougherty Place
Douglass Douglass
Douros Douros
Droz Lothman Droz Lothman
Dunleigh Townhouse Condos Dunleigh Townhouse Condos
Duplex Manor Duplex Manor
EB Goerner EB Goerner
East Clinton Place East Clinton Place
East Kirkwood East Kirkwood
East Mermod Place East Mermod Place
Edgewood Place Edgewood Place
Edward Carr Edward Carr
Edwards Edwards
Edwards Place Edwards Place
Ellaby Square Ellaby Square
Emma Bopp Emma Bopp
Entland Commons Entland Commons
Ericson Place Ericson Place
Essex Court Essex Court
Essex Downs Essex Downs
Essex Hill Essex Hill
Essex Manor Essex Manor
Essex Park Essex Park
Essex Place Essex Place
Essex Place Condos Essex Place Condos
Fairfield Fairfield
Fausers Fausers
Fireman's Memorial Park Fireman's Memorial Park
Fitz Fitz
Flemings Flemings
Fobian Fobian
Fobian Meadows Fobian Meadows
Foerster Foerster
Forest Glade Forest Glade
Forest Grove Forest Grove
Forest Grove No. 2 Forest Grove No. 2
Frances Terrace Frances Terrace
Franklin Franklin
Garden Castle Estates Garden Castle Estates
Garden Lane Garden Lane
Gaslite Lane Gaslite Lane
Geyer Court Geyer Court
Geyer Forest Geyer Forest
Geyer Gardens Geyer Gardens
Geyer Glenn Geyer Glenn
Geyer Manor Geyer Manor
Geyer Meadows Geyer Meadows
Geyer Place Condos Geyer Place Condos
Geyer Terrace Geyer Terrace
Geyer Towne Court Condos Geyer Towne Court Condos
Geymon Acres Geymon Acres
Gill Terrace Gill Terrace
Girard Place Girard Place
Glendening Glendening
Glendower Glendower
Glenwood Acres Glenwood Acres
Glenwood Terrace Glenwood Terrace
Green Lea Green Lea
Greenbriar Greenbriar
Greenbriar Woods Greenbriar Woods
Greenridge Manor Greenridge Manor
Hackberry Manor Hackberry Manor
Hanlens Hanlens
Harris Harris
Harrison Heights Harrison Heights
Harrison Place Harrison Place
Harrison Point Condos Harrison Point Condos
Harrison Square Condos Harrison Square Condos
Hartman Hartman
Hartmann Court Hartmann Court
Hathaway Place Hathaway Place
Hawbrook Common Hawbrook Common
Hawbrook Hill Hawbrook Hill
Hawbrook Meadow Hawbrook Meadow
Hayden Terrace Hayden Terrace
Hayman Place Hayman Place
Heather Acres Heather Acres
Heather Meadows Heather Meadows
Henry Berg Addition Henry Berg Addition
Hickory Hollow Hickory Hollow
Higgens Estate Higgens Estate
High Meadow High Meadow
High School Place High School Place
Highland Terrace Highland Terrace
Hillcrest Hillcrest
Hillcrest Place Hillcrest Place
Hillside Acres Hillside Acres
Hillvale Park Hillvale Park
Holt's Ridge Holt's Ridge
Homewood Homewood
Homewood Condos Homewood Condos
Houckstep Houckstep
Houser Estate Houser Estate
Hue Vista Hue Vista
Hughes Hughes
Huntleigh Hills Huntleigh Hills
Huntleigh South Huntleigh South
Huntwood Lane Huntwood Lane
Hyacinth Court Hyacinth Court
Ivanhoe Woods Ivanhoe Woods
JW Blands JW Blands
Jefferson Manor Condos Jefferson Manor Condos
Jenkins Jenkins
Jennings First Jennings First
Johnson Harrison Johnson Harrison
Judith Estates Judith Estates
Keller Commons Keller Commons
Kessler Kessler
Kirk View Kirk View
Kirklees Park Kirklees Park
Kirkshire Kirkshire
Kirkshire Hills Kirkshire Hills
Kirkview Office Parkway Condos Kirkview Office Parkway Condos
Kirkwood Kirkwood
Kirkwood Cinema Lofts Condos Kirkwood Cinema Lofts Condos
Kirkwood Gardens Kirkwood Gardens
Kirkwood Manor Condo Kirkwood Manor Condo
Kirkwood Manor Place Kirkwood Manor Place
Kirkwood Oaks Kirkwood Oaks
Kirkwood Park Kirkwood Park
Kirkwood Place Kirkwood Place
Kirkwood Square Kirkwood Square
Klingert Klingert
Knepper Acres Knepper Acres
Korean Church Korean Church
Krause Julius Krause Julius
LS Holden LS Holden
Lanyard Lane Lanyard Lane
Larchmont Larchmont
Larchmont No. 2 Larchmont No. 2
Leffell Acres Leffell Acres
Leffingwell Park Leffingwell Park
Leffingwell's 2nd Add Leffingwell's 2nd Add
Letham Hill Letham Hill
Lindeman Forest Lindeman Forest
Linden Ridge Linden Ridge
Lindgate Manor Lindgate Manor
Little Creek Little Creek
Llewellyn Bonham Llewellyn Bonham
Lockett Acres Lockett Acres
Lockett Manor Lockett Manor
Lockwood Garden Lockwood Garden
Loft Condos at Station Plaza Loft Condos at Station Plaza
Louisa Heights Louisa Heights
ML Hardy ML Hardy
MacBryde Acres MacBryde Acres
Magic House Magic House
Malbo Gardens Malbo Gardens
Manchester Heights Manchester Heights
Manlyn Court Manlyn Court
Manor at Parkside Condos Manor at Parkside Condos
Manors at Neffwold Manors at Neffwold
Maple Park Maple Park
Marbendale Marbendale
Marhaba Marhaba
Mariedale Park Mariedale Park
Martha McKnights Martha McKnights
Martin Meadows Martin Meadows
Martin Place Martin Place
Mary Murtfeldt Mary Murtfeldt
Maybrook Maybrook
McClain McClain
McCullouch McCullouch
McCullough Place Condos McCullough Place Condos
Meacham Park Meacham Park
Meadowridge Meadowridge
Meramac Highlands Meramac Highlands
Mermod Place Mermod Place
Merten Merten
Middleton Court Condos Middleton Court Condos
Midway & Box Elder Midway & Box Elder
Mitchell Place Mitchell Place
Monclay Place Condos Monclay Place Condos
Monroe Station Condos Monroe Station Condos
Montauk Hills Montauk Hills
Moos Estates Moos Estates
Morris Estates Morris Estates
Mustermans Mustermans
Nathaniel Gregg Nathaniel Gregg
North Clay Woods North Clay Woods
North Taylor Estates North Taylor Estates
North Taylor Woods North Taylor Woods
OK Gardens OK Gardens
Oak Glen Court Oak Glen Court
Oak Hill Cemetery Oak Hill Cemetery
Oakshire Estates Oakshire Estates
Oakview Park Oakview Park
Old Ballas Corner Old Ballas Corner
Osage Hills Osage Hills
Par Lane Court Par Lane Court
Par Lane South Par Lane South
Parc McCullough Condos Parc McCullough Condos
Parkside Place Condos Parkside Place Condos
Patricks Place Patricks Place
Pfitzinger Pfitzinger
Phil Raus Phil Raus
Pitman Place Pitman Place
Point Essex Point Essex
Princess Place Princess Place
Proetz Addition Proetz Addition
Property Place Property Place
Quan Quan
Quanal Court Quanal Court
Quarry Estates Quarry Estates
Queen Court Queen Court
Queens Court Condos Queens Court Condos
Raccoon Ridge Raccoon Ridge
Ravinia Gardens Ravinia Gardens
Ridgeview Ridgeview
Robin Hood Robin Hood
Robindale Robindale
Rollingwood Corner Rollingwood Corner
Rolloff Rolloff
Rolloff No. 1 Rolloff No. 1
Rolloff No. 2 Rolloff No. 2
Romine Acres Romine Acres
Rosa Sickingers Rosa Sickingers
Rose Hill Rose Hill
Rose Hill House Rose Hill House
Rose Hill Place Rose Hill Place
Rose Hill Terrace Rose Hill Terrace
Rose Hill by Kenrick Rose Hill by Kenrick
Rosewood Rosewood
Rowe Heights Rowe Heights
Sante Sante
Savoy Savoy
Schaefer Schaefer
Schaefer Acres Schaefer Acres
Schellers Hill Schellers Hill
Scottsdale Road Scottsdale Road
Sherrell Gardens Sherrell Gardens
Shields Shields
Shook Shook
Siebers Siebers
Signal Hills Signal Hills
Singleton Singleton
Singleton Estates Singleton Estates
Slavick Place Slavick Place
Slyvan Forest Slyvan Forest
Sommet at Old Big Bend Sommet at Old Big Bend
South Kirkwood Heights South Kirkwood Heights
Southwoods Southwoods
Spalding Spalding
Spencer Smith Spencer Smith
Spring Hill Spring Hill
Stahlhuth Place Stahlhuth Place
Station Bend Station Bend
Stilwells Stilwells
Stone Ridge Stone Ridge
Strohm PLace; Strohm Place Strohm PLace; Strohm Place
Stroup Stroup
Sturdy Estate Sturdy Estate
Sugar Creek Sugar Creek
Sugar Creek Estates Sugar Creek Estates
Sugar Creek Manor Sugar Creek Manor
Sugar Creek Ranch Sugar Creek Ranch
Sugar Creek Ridge Sugar Creek Ridge
Sugar Creek Village Sugar Creek Village
Sun Hill Sun Hill
Sunder Sunder
Sunset Lane Sunset Lane
Sweet Sweet
Sweetwater Place Sweetwater Place
Sylvan Forest No. 2 Sylvan Forest No. 2
Symphony Hill Symphony Hill
T-Bills T-Bills
Tarrymore Tarrymore
Taylor Estates Taylor Estates
Tennstone Acres Tennstone Acres
Terraces of Kirkwood Condos Terraces of Kirkwood Condos
Thatcher Oaks Thatcher Oaks
Thatenhorst Estate Thatenhorst Estate
The Bavarian The Bavarian
The Cloisters The Cloisters
The Oaks Condos The Oaks Condos
The Oaks at Station Bend The Oaks at Station Bend
Theo Heege Theo Heege
Timberlake Timberlake
Timbers at Creekside Timbers at Creekside
Townhouses at Station Plaza Condos Townhouses at Station Plaza Condos
Traum Hauser Traum Hauser
Twelve Hundred South Twelve Hundred South
Two Creeks Two Creeks
Van Buren Van Buren
Van Buren Place Condos Van Buren Place Condos
Villa Gardens Villa Gardens
WM H Berthold Estate WM H Berthold Estate
Walther Walther
Washington Oaks Condos Washington Oaks Condos
Washington Place Condos Washington Place Condos
Waterford Place Waterford Place
Weatherfield Lane Weatherfield Lane
Weiland Acres Weiland Acres
West Essex West Essex
Westchester Westchester
Weston Oaks Weston Oaks
White Oak Estates White Oak Estates
Whites Addition Whites Addition
William Bach William Bach
William Cassidy William Cassidy
Windrush Windrush
Windsor Acres Windsor Acres
Windsor Forest Windsor Forest
Windsor Springs Estates Windsor Springs Estates
Windward Estates Windward Estates
Windy Hill Terrace Windy Hill Terrace
Wisler Wisler
Wolvertons Wolvertons
Woodbine Gardens Woodbine Gardens
Woodbine Heights Woodbine Heights
Woodbine Place Woodbine Place
Woodfield Manor Woodfield Manor
Woodlawn Woodlawn
Woodlawn Condos Woodlawn Condos
Woodlawn Country Club Woodlawn Country Club
Woodlawn Estates Woodlawn Estates
Woodlawn Grove Woodlawn Grove
Woodlawn Manor Woodlawn Manor
Woodlawn Park Woodlawn Park
Woodlawn Place Woodlawn Place
Woodlawn Terrace Woodlawn Terrace
Woodleaf Court Woodleaf Court
Woods Terrace Woods Terrace
Woodview Estates Woodview Estates
Woodview Manor Woodview Manor
Wynn Wynn
Zephyr Heights Zephyr Heights